Thursday, June 9, 2011

End of the School Year means the Beginning of Baking

 I know I haven't uploaded in while so now that I have some down time I shall combine all my projects for the past month. Schools out, and although I am sad I am also extremely relieved. I made it through my first year at Dianne Feinstein Elementary School. Now that my full time day job is on hiatus, its time for my other passion to be explored further. I have decided after numerous requests and suggestions to launch a small side business and sell the things I make. The last weeks up to the end of the school year, we had teacher appreciation week, volunteer appreciation day, birthday parties, field trips, and the culminating event of graduation. Because I was so attached and they were my first class I went all out. I made them cupcakes, both with eggs and without eggs for the one kid who had an egg allergy, cake pops in their likeness (made me question my own sanity in deciding to create,) and graduation sashes which included their names, grade, and room number (also another sanity questioning moment.) Although it was a lot of added work and stress it made me so happy to see the kids and parents's faces. Everyone was so complimentary and made me feel really appreciated. I teaching. :) Here are some of the things I made in the last month.

Mini vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting.

 Mini funfetti cupcakes with chocolate butterflies and flowers.

Chocolate covered strawberries as appreciation gifts to parents.

Ms Annie pop cake.

Room 103 pop cakes!
Room 103 pop cakes!
Graduation Sash!
Mrs. Schroff and Scout!
Happy end of the school year!


  1. DFES is so lucky to have you Ms. Annie! Till this day, I've never had a cake pop! and yours look so delish.

  2. hello Annie!!! I shall be sure to save one for youfrom my next batch :)
